O R G A N I Z A T I O N A L   B . E . S . T .

Build Your B.E.S.T. Organization

“Success is not about being the best. It is about “being your B.E.S.T.”

B.E.S.T. Organizations Value Diversity, Equity, Inclusion. They align attitudes, behaviors, policies, and practices to serve culturally and linguistically diverse groups effectively.      

OMG Uses its Cultural Competence Assessment Tools to Facilitate Organizations in….

gaining clarity and shared understanding about the organization’s current condition

defining their desired outcomes, priorities, and direction

creating a customized cultural competence plan that guides effective execution

measuring and managing data to ensure they achieve their desired outcomes


#1 People drive results.

Results are influenced by those entrusted with governing, leading, managing and doing the work. B.E.S.T. organizations make sure the right people are in the positions, equipped with the competencies necessary to do the right things.
  • OMG provides B.E.S.T. leadership training: customized for Boards, Executives, Senior Leadership, Managers/Supervisors.
  • OMG provides B.E.S.T. professional development training customized to meet employees needs based upon OMG’s B.E.S.T. assessment.
  • OMG provides B.E.S.T. Team Building training that focuses on understanding team members preferences, leveraging differences, building relationships, establishing practices that maximize team work.
  • OMG facilitates retreats: designed to create B.E.S.T. plans, building B.E.S.T. teams, and establishing b.e.s.t. practices

#2 Culture impacts everything.

  • Organizations that embrace a B.E.S.T. culture value diversity, equity, inclusion, obtain extraordinary results fast, sustain them, and often exceed expectations.
  • OMG provides evaluation services that include polls, interviews, surveys, focus groups, S.W.O.T. assessments (strengths, weakness, opportunities, threats)
  • OMG facilitates strategic planning and developing B.E.S.T. Roadmaps. Planning includes engaging internal and external stakeholders, creating shared understanding of mission, establishing a shared vision, identifying priorities, defining s.m.a.r.t. goals, actions, and milestones (virtual and in-person)
  • OMG customizes its training that focuses on diversity, equity, inclusion, leadership, board development, teams, communication (virtual and in-person)
  • OMG training features include learning and doing, measure as you go, use of multiple modalities, challenges, coaching


“I was excited by what OMG had to offer because they not only had extensive experience in doing Diversity Equity Inclusion evaluations, but they also took the time to understand our unique needs and to build a team that would meet those needs."

-Kerstin Sjoberg, Executive Director

Disability Rights Ohio

"The United Way of Central Ohio leads our national network of organizations for our work with cultural competency. Dr. Hicks was the consultant that created our standards and managed our implementation process from start to finish. Strategically, her end goal is to think through all possibilities and achieve results. She is open and inviting, creating an inclusive path to all issues. By directly working with her, I have witnessed her proactive approach to identifying solutions, where they do not currently exist."

-Shayne N. Downton, Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer

United Way of Central Ohio

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